How To increase height after 18 :

If you want to increase your height after the age of 18 then you are on the right place. You may be reading many articles about this but I am going to share with you the exact ways by which you can increase your height after 18. 

In what factors does your Height Depends on ?

Your height depends on your Genetics. 60 to 70% of your height depends on Genetics. And 40 to  30% of your overall height depends on the nutrition which you get an on your environment. The average height of a population also depends your country. In recent studies it has been proved that the average height which was in 1850 is much shorter than the height of people in 1950. 

The height of most of the people after age 20 do not increase at all. But there are some exceptions.  The increase of height stops because of Two Reason.

First Reason : Coser of spaces between your bone plates due to maturing.

Second Reason : Very much decrease in the release of growth hormones in your body.

Your height increases only because of your elongation of bones and their spaces between the bone plates.

When you puberty ends, there is a much change in your hormonal system of your body and the spaces between the bone plates decreases.

Exercise specially weightlifting do not have any role in your growth. Any exercise which include weight do not help you to increase your height. They just help you to maintain your body weight.

It is a wrong notation that weight lifting decreases your height. studies show that weight lifting can be done in any age and does not have impact on your height.

The secretion of growth hormone in your body decreases after 18. The secretion of this hormone is best when you are 14 to 16 years of old. The hormone is secreted from pituitary gland. 

Before reading this article you must know a detailed information about human growth.

According to the latest study the human growth is based on two factors. Human growth is based on genetic factor and environmental factor. Human grows up to 60 to 70% because of their genes and 40 to 30% for their environmental factor.

So, by this you can consider that your growth is not in your hands. Yes you will definitely grow to a certain limit asper your genes but environmental factor always remains back. By environmental factor I mean your nutrition and your region.

You should have proper nutrition to stimulate growth in your body. Vitamin C,Vitamin D and calcium is very important for your growth. Vitamin D is very effective in improving your bone health. 

You also should take proteins in your diet. Taking higher proteins will increase your bone density will be very helpful for your growth. Some sources of proteins are poultry, egg , soy and legumes.

There are exceptions too ----

A type  of medical condition like Gigantism a person make grow upto 26 years of Age. In this medical condition his body continuous to release growth hormone.

And also a condition like hemochromatosis.  In this condition your intestine absorbs iron in high quantity which makes you to grow in the age of 22.

It may seem crazy but growth also depends on your region. It's scientifically proven.

Human can have a growth at a astounding pace up to 17 to 18 years. But as he proceeds his growth rate declines. Yes, you can increase height after 18 years of age.

But in this time the gap between your bones is very less so you cannot grow too high. Your height will obviously increase but the amount is very less.

There are many post in the internet which ensure that you can increase your height after 18 but I will give you the tricks that will surely work and is different from everyone. The key of any success is consistency. You have to be consistent in these tricks.

If you do not follow this tricks and stop your practice in the middle then you can achieve nothing. So, let's start :

1)Exercises : I don't think this time is new to all. Exercise is the key to succeed in this goal. There are many exercises which will help you to rise your height. You may do those exercises which helps in increasing height not in increasing weight. 

Some example of this exercise which you should follow are - Hanging, Single Leg Hooping, Squad, Skipping,etc.

You should also maintain a good posture in order to increase your height.

2)Stretching : It is very important to improve your height at any age. Stretching has also been proven to increase height. Stretching increases the gap between your bones so that you may grow taller. 

The amount of height you will grow depends on the gap between your bones. Stretching makes your body flexible and increases the gap between your bones. Some examples of teaching which you must follow are - 
Vertical Bends, Side Stretch, Cobra Stretch,etc.

3)Nutrition: Nutrition plays a very vital role in determining your height. 30 to 40% of your height depends on nutrition. You must have a strict balance diet in order to increase your height. 

Your balanced diet should contains some essential minerals like Protein, calcium, iron,magnesium and Carbohydrate and some vitamins as well.

You can get protein from meat,fish, soya beans,milk etc. You will get calcium from milk,cheese,green leafy vegetables,soyabean and from other diary products. You will get iron from cashews,baked potatoes, beans etc.

Magnesium can be easily found in nuts,whole grain,green leafy vegetables,etc.

Other vitamins and minerals are also very important for your body growth.

3) Medications - There are various products in the market are effective in increasing your height to a certain extent after the age of 18. 

They stimulate the growth hormones in adults. Growth hormones starts flowing throught the body.

This is the most important part of this blog.

There is also a latest way by which you can increase your height at any age. This way is not fully developed by scientists but is now available in many countries. 

You can take HGH injections in your body. They do increase your height to some extent. It also helps to figure a masculine body. These injections are taken by athletes,actors and childrens with deficiencies. 

There are disadvantages also. Using it over dose may lead to serious health conditions.It may lead to hair loss, rough skin, hair growth in face and also certain type of cancer.

So,you should consult your physician before taking this. And precautions must be taken while using this method of growing height.

These are all the latest tricks which you can apply. For best results you have to be consistent. 

If you have any query regarding this then you can comment below I will try to resolve your queries.

Thank you,,

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